About Us
Northwoods Wholesale Outlet is Michigan's largest most unique DEEP DISCOUNT store, specializing in saving you money by purchasing discontinued items from manufactures, bankrupt companies, pack change, and warehouse overstocks.

We have been in business since 1971 in Pinconning, with our Grocery and Hardware Store, Pinny Food Center, and still operate it today, in addition to our Northwoods Wholesale Outlet Store. We pride ourselves in bringing unique products at discounted prices.

In 1999, we purchased a 75,000 square ft. building which is now Northwoods Wholesale Outlet Inc. and we were able to expand our rapidly growing product lines.  We have a reputation of bringing our customers INCREDIBLE products at discounted prices for those who shop in the store or online.

We never know from day to day what items we will be buying and continually add items to our online store daily. Make sure you check back often to view our latest products.

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